9.00 Registration
10.00 Introduction
10:15 Tearing Down Stereotypes ... in Education
Monika Barton: Three and a Half Stories from Southland
Vladimír Franz: A continuous decline of trust in education and context awareness at turn of millenia
Seth Godin on the tribes we lead (TED talk)
Zoja Mikotová: Talk with Hands, Understand with Eyes
Oldřich Botlík: Thank goodness, it is not school that teaches our children to speak!
Lunch break
13:30 ... in Communities
Rod Paton: Lifemusic – Putting the hum into human!
Radim Polcak: Information fetishism and the art of forgiving
Ratnesh Mathur: Diversity of Jobs - Serendipity & the Jack of All Trades
Mick Ebeling: The invention that unlocked a locked-in artist (TED talk)
Tomáš Turek: Is radio broadcasting for the young generation meaningful?
Kateřina Šedá: Haven´t found the house, it´s in the Thames
16:15 ... in Life
Announcement of the TEDxBrno Achievement 2011 winners
Alan Siegel: Let's simplify legal jargon! (TED talk)
Milan Kniezevic: The Power of Zero
Jakub Dvorský: Independent Games
Alain de Botton: A kinder, gentler philosophy of success (TED talk)
Aleš Zemánek: Motivational paradoxes
Zuzana Derflerová - Brázdová: What do experts need to know in fieldwork?
Pavel Fajt: DrumTrek
18:30 Informal networking & buffet
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